This page lists my scientific publications; click on the title below to view the full text where available. If you prefer, here's a link to my
ORCID profile,
Researchgate profile, and
Google Scholar profile, all of which should be more or less accurate.
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my official bio at Pew's website. Visit my blog at to keep track of what I'm doing and writing, as well as good science I've read elsewhere. I have a blog about
how to set up your own publications page to help Google Scholar find PDFs for all of the science articles you write.
- James, R.M., Fisher, J.R.B., Carlos-Grotjahn, C., Boylan, M.S., Dembereldash, B., Demissie, M.Z., Diaz De Villegas, C., Gibbs, B., Konia, R., Lyons, K., Possingham, H., Robinson, C., Tang, T. & Butt, N. (2023). Gender bias and inequity holds women back in their conservation careers. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10.
- James, R., Ariunbaatar, J., Bresnahan, M., Carlos-Grotjahn, C., Fisher, J.R.B., Gibbs, B., Hausheer, J.E., Nakozoete, C., Nomura, S., Possingham, H., & Lyons, K. (2022). Gender and conservation science: Men continue to out-publish women at the world's largest environmental conservation non-profit organization. Conservation Science and Practice, January, 1-9. BLOG
- Vijay, V., Fisher, J.R.B., & Armsworth, P.R. (2022). Co-benefits for terrestrial biodiversity and ecosystem services available from contrasting land protection policies in the contiguous United States. Conservation Letters, February, 1-9. BLOG
- Fisher, J.R.B., Wood, S.A., Bradford, M.A., & Kelsey, T.R. (2020). Improving scientific impact: how to practice science that influences environmental policy and management. Conservation Science and Practice, e0210. This overview web page for this paper has links to a short overview, the need for the paper, how we wrote it and what surprised us, why we we wrote it, and a video overview of the paper.
- Masuda, Y.J., Fisher, J.R.B., Zhang, W., Castilla, C., Boucher, T.M., Blundo-Canto, G. (2020). A respondent-driven method for mapping small agricultural plots using tablets and high resolution imagery (submitted version of manuscript, researchgate has the published version). Journal of International Development. BLOG
- Hamel, P., Bremer, L.L., Ponette-González, A.G., Acosta, E., Fisher, J.R.B., Steele, B., Targa Cavassani, A., Klemz, C., Blainski, E., Brauman, K.A. (2020). The value of hydrologic information for watershed management programs: The case of Camboriú, Brazil. Science of The Total Environment. BLOG
- Bradford, M.A., Carey, C.J., Atwood, L., Bossio, D., Fenichel, E.P., Gennet, S., Fargione, J., Fisher, J.R.B., Fuller, E., Kane, D.A., Lehmann, J., Oldfield, E.E., Ordway, E.M., Rudek, J., Sanderman , J., Wood, S.A. (2019) Soil carbon science for policy and practice. Nature Sustainability. BLOG
- Reddy, S.W., Torphy, K., Liu, Y., Chen, T., Masuda, Y.J., Fisher, J.R.B., Galey, S., Burford, K., Frank, K.A., Montambault, J.R. (2019). How Different Forms of Social Capital Created Through Project Team Assignments Influence Employee Adoption of Sustainability Practices. Organization and Environment. BLOG
- Fisher, J.R.B. and Kareiva, P. (2019). Using environmental metrics to promote sustainability and resilience in agriculture. In Gardner et al. (Eds), Agricultural Resilience: Perspectives from Ecology and Economics (pp 340-361). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. BLOG
- Kroeger, T., Klemz, C., Boucher, T., Fisher, J.R.B., Acosta, E., Cavassani, A.T., Dacol, K. (2019). Returns on investment in watershed conservation: Application of a best practices analytical framework to the Rio Camboriú Water Producer program, Santa Catarina, Brazil. Science of The Total Environment, 657, 1368-1381.
- Masuda, Y.J., Liu, Y., Reddy, S.M.W.,Frank, K.A., Burford, K., Fisher, J.R.B., Montambault, J. (2018). Innovation diffusion within large environmental NGOs through informal network agents. Nature Sustainability, 1(4), 190-197.
Supplemental Information. BLOG
- Fisher, J.R.B., Acosta, E.A., Dennedy-Frank, P.J., Kroeger, T., Boucher, T.M. (2018). Impact of satellite imagery spatial resolution on land use classification accuracy and modeled water quality. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation, 4(2), 137-149. BLOG. DATA: 1m land use, 30m land use, 1m DEM, 30m DEM
- Fisher, J.R.B., Montambault, J., Burford, K.P., Gopalakrishna, T., Masuda, Y.J., Reddy, S.M.W., Salcedo, A.I. (2018). Knowledge diffusion within a large conservation organization and beyond. PLoS ONE, 13(3), 1-24. BLOG
- Fisher, J.R.B. (2017). Global agricultural expansion - the sky isn't falling (yet). In Kareiva, P., Silliman, B, and Marvier, M. (Eds), Effective Conservation Science: Data not Dogma (pp 73-79). Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK. BLOG
- Ayana, E.K., Fisher, J.R.B., Hamel, P., Boucher, T.M. (2017). Identification of ditches and furrows using remote sensing: application to sediment modelling in the Tana watershed, Kenya. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 38(16). BLOG
- Reddy, S.M.W., Montambault, J., Masuda, Y.J., Gneezy, A., Keenan, E., Butler, W., Fisher, J.R.B. and Asah, S.T., (2017). Advancing Conservation by Understanding and Influencing Human Behavior. Conservation Letters, 10(2), 248-256.
- Ayana, E.K., Ceccato, P., Fisher, J.R.B., & DeFries, R. (2016). Examining the relationship between environmental factors and conflict in pastoralist areas of East Africa. Science of The Total Environment, 557, 601-611.
- Kroeger, T., Escobedo, F.J., Hernandez, J.L., Varela, S., Delphin, S., Fisher, J.R.B., & Waldron, J. (2014). Reforestation as a novel abatement and compliance measure for ground-level ozone. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(40), E4204-E4213. BLOG
- Fisher, J.R.B., & Dills, B. (2012). Do private conservation activities match science-based conservation priorities? PLoS ONE 7(9): e46429.
- McDonald, R.I., Forman, R.T., Kareiva, P., Neugarten, R., Salzer, D., & Fisher, J. (2009). Urban effects, distance, and protected areas in an urbanizing world. Landscape and Urban Planning, 93(1), 63-75.
- The Nature Conservancy. (2018). Everyday Sustainability Guide: seven good-for-our-planet steps that are easy to take.
- The Nature Conservancy. (2016). reThink Soil: A Roadmap for U.S. Soil Health.
- The Nature Conservancy. (2016). U.S. Beef Supply Chain: Opportunities in Fresh water, Wildlife Habitat, and Greenhouse Gas Reduction.BLOG
- Fisher, J.R.B., Boucher, T.M., Attwood, S.K., & Kareiva, P. (2013). How Do We Know an Agricultural System is Sustainable? (went through external peer review, although not at a journal)
- Herricks, E.E., Fisher, J.R., Markow, J.S., & Antonik, P. (2005). A Report of Test Results of the 94 GHz Bird Detection Radar (BIRDAR)T at DFW Airport. WAVEBAND CORP IRVINE CA.
- Herricks, E., Fisher, J.R.B., Kuehner, C., Hovan, M.J. (2003). Application of GIS Technologies to Wildlife Management at DFW Airport. 2003 Bird Strike Committee Proceedings.
- Fisher, J.R.B. (2003). Evaluation of avian hazards to aircraft at Dallas / Fort Worth International Airport. (master's thesis)
- Dwyer, J., Marsinko, A., & Fisher, J. (1999). Trends in participation rates for wildlife-associated outdoor recreation activities by gender and race/ethnicity. In Proceedings of the 1998 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium (Gen. Tech. Rep. NE-255. pp. 213-218). Radnor, PA: USDA Forest Service, Northeastern Research Station.
- Informal publications like blogs are listed in my CV
- "SciComm: Raising Our Voice for Science in Public Policy," March 2020. Interview as part of short documentary about the 2017 March for Science in DC,
- "Improving your impact: Guidelines for doing science that influences policy and management," December 2019. Webinar for Open Channels,
- "Scaling sustainable agriculture, Walmart style," October 2017. TED-style talk, The Nature Conservancy's Science Impact Project meeting (and delivered again at the 2018 DC March for Science),
- "Wildlife habitat: dangerous or protective for our food supply?," April 2017. Presentation at the DC March for Science - The Nature Conservancy's tent,
- Interview on The Weather Channel about The Nature Conservancy's work on soil and agriculture,
- "The Business of Giving Visits The Nature Conservancy," February 2017. Radio interview.
- "The Local Tomato" & "The Industrial Tomato," January 2016 & September 2015. Interview and animation for The Nature Conservancy's Nature Works Everywhere Program.
- Media coverage of my work on bird radar at the University of Illinois available upon request: news spots including me on KDFW 9/23/04 and WFAA 9/24/04, two additional reports on the work but not including me on KTVT 9/23/04 and KXAS 9/24/04.